Friday, December 29, 2006


I woke up a few minutes ago. I am still tired though.
Somebody posted a lot of messages in my brain while asleep.
Yeah the brain is like a computer. Some people know how to make it do stuff.
Maybe Jack the Ripper was an innocent young man remote-controlled to rape.
Maybe politicians hear voices and lose the grip of the words and just say what somebody wants them to say.
Maybe I am all alone in having this perception of what technology can do to one human.
But I assure you it is true... That remote-control of the brain exists !!!
And what can we do about it ? Nothing.
Sleeping pills they have an effect on you, that you submit yourself to voluntarily. The chemistry of sleep. So you can see it clearly now: (!!!) The same company must have the chemistry of anger, hate or violent behaviour, and this means that we maybe react without knowing it because of remote-controlling, thinking that it is natural behaviour...

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