Friday, February 23, 2007


Like a God that fucks up my dream
my Love , my hope
Like a psycho-psychiatrist that gives me dope
Acidly creeping through my anatomy
a Tango long gone , bye John
no Dreams left , no Love
just memories , a Central Park of memories
with birds , flowers , ghosts and angels
who don't know me , but feel it is their right to judge and control
no soul
like Bob Marley and Ernest Hemingway
The Blues
comes to see you
and there aren't any hills around here
flat paths around a hospital
in the shadow of what ?

(in the shadow of a war
existing telepathically
born in a stranger's brain
like a kiss of it
defenseless children
take them into your heart
let them have hills
and loves and hopes
born in their hearts ...)

1 comment:

The Usual Stuff said...

Long time no see, pal. I missed your artistic touch, since you seemed stop writing. Welcome back!