Sunday, January 7, 2007

Lunar disturbance.

A poem about your stubborn ways
to communicate on the frequencies of the brain
Telepatically intruding or supernaturally suggesting
that love is a hazard
that love is a one-way street
down which you fare for nothing but the aim
of survival
of existing
But sometimes I don't give a damn
I don't care who I am
I travel the roads of life for just a beer or a french apperitif...
Do you remember the coral reef
the mountain and the clouds and the glimpse of the sun
sitting on the ground feeling as one
Then I return from memory lane
to the real life and the label insane
Little girl you must survive
being true to life
These are the messages I communicate
while moons surf the world and give birth to the range
of feelings that so often has been described
love hatred ecstacy and the sorrow of the heart
Give yourself a new start
give yourself a heart
These moons don't explode

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